Higher-educated individuals are healthier and live longer than their lowereducated peers. One reason is that lower-educated individuals tend to consume lower-quality diets, but it is not fully understood why they do so. We designed a discrete-choice experiment to investigate how provision of nutritional information affects dietary choices of lower- and higher-educated individuals. We find that nutritional knowledge is responsible for a large part of the disparity in dietary choices. However, even when faced with the most explicit nutritional information, lower-educated individuals still state choices that suggest a lower value for negative health consequences.

doi.org/10.1086/694571, hdl.handle.net/1765/103103
Journal of Human Capital
Tinbergen Institute

Koç, H. (Hale), & van Kippersluis, H. (2017). Thought for food: Nutritional information and educational disparities in diet. Journal of Human Capital, 11(4), 508–522. doi:10.1086/694571