As we already stated in the introduction the problems which were central to this book, environmental degradation, climate change and disasters pose particular problems to developing countries given their higher vulnerability to those types of risks. The central focus of the contributions in this book was on the legal remedies that could be employed to deal adequately with the risks resulting from environmental degradation, climate change and disasters. Of course not all aspects could be discussed in detail, but various important points related to these increasing risks could be highlighted. The various contributions to this book showed that on the one hand the challenges are large: a developing country like Indonesia is, inter alia as a result of globalization, increasingly vulnerable to environmental degradation. This can easily be noticed on the island where the conference preceding this book was held, Bali: economic development grows strong inter alia thanks to the tourism industry, but on the other hand tourism also poses considerable threats both to food safety and to environmental degradation. An important challenge for Indonesia and more particularly for the island of Bali will hence be how economic development (more particularly tourism) could go hand in hand with environmental protection in the form of sustainable tourism.,
Erasmus University Rotterdam

Faure, M., & Wibisana, A. (Andri). (2013). Concluding remarks : Lessons from the Indonesian Experience. In Regulating Disasters, Climate Change and Environmental Harm: Lessons from the Indonesian Experience (pp. 463–478). doi:10.4337/9781781002490.00029