In autoimmune diseases such as rheumatoid arthritis, the immune system is aberrantly activated and gives rise to damage, pain, fatigue and functional disability in patients. The imbalance in the immune system is illustrated by the increased abundance and activity of T-helper-17 (Th17) cell populations. In this thesis we studied the possibility to suppress the pathogenicity of Th17 cell populations through vitamin D. Next to discerning the molecular effects of vitamin D on these Th17 cell populations, the potential clinical benefits of using vitamin D as an add-on in the treatment of rheumatoid arthritis are explored.

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J.M.W. Hazes (Mieke) , E.W. Lubberts (Erik)
Erasmus University Rotterdam

Dankers, W. (2018, June 26). Modulation of Th17 Cell Populations by Vitamin D: Exploring Therapeutic Use in Rheumatoid Arthritis. Retrieved from