Museums and cultural heritage are a specific sub-sector of creative industries. Usually, legal entities in this sector operate as an NPO or charity. Many countries apply tax incentives for charities, benefitting this sector. The best-known example of such incentives is probably tax incentives for donations. It is often stated that the USA’s incentive is most generous in this regard; however, as this chapter will show, this assumption does not seem to be correct. Other incentives are tax exemptions for charities and tax incentives for volunteers. Important incentives for museums and archives are the ability to pay taxes with art and heritage objects as well as the wealth tax exemption of objects given on loan. A specific sub-sector of the cultural industries, businesses specialized in restoring and maintaining her- itage, benefits from tax incentives that several countries provide to private owners of heritage buildings and objects.

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Fiscal Autonomy and its Boundaries
Erasmus School of Law

Hemels, S. (2017). Tax incentives for museums and cultural heritage (Chapter 7). In Tax Incentives for the Creative Industries (pp. 107–135). doi:10.1007/978-981-287-832-8_7