The original version of this article, published on 19 March 2018, unfortunately contained a mistake. The following correction has therefore been made in the original: The names of the authors Philipp A. Kaufmann, Ronny Ralf Buechel and Bernhard A. Herzog were presented incorrectly.,
European Radiology: journal of the European Congress of Radiology
Department of Cardiology

Roehle, R., Wieske, V., Schuetz, G., Gueret, P., Andreini, D., Meijboom, W. B., … Dewey, T. M. (2018). Correction to: Applicability and accuracy of pretest probability calculations implemented in the NICE clinical guideline for decision making about imaging in patients with chest pain of recent onset. European Radiology: journal of the European Congress of Radiology, 1–3. doi:10.1007/s00330-018-5521-0

See Also
Applicability and accuracy of pretest probability calculations implemented in the NICE clinical guideline for decision making about imaging in patients with chest pain of recent onset
Roehle, R. (Robert), Wieske, V. (Viktoria), Schuetz, G.M. (Georg M.), P. Gueret (Pascal), D. Andreini (Daniele), W.B. Meijboom (Willem Bob), G. Pontone (Gianluca), Garcia, M. (Mario), Alkadhi, H. (Hatem), Honoris, L. (Lily), et al. J. Hausleiter (Jörg), Bettencourt, N. (Nuno), E. Zimmermann (Elke), S. Leschka (Sebastian), Gerber, B. (Bernhard), Rochitte, C. (Carlos), Schoepf, U.J. (U. Joseph), Shabestari, A.A. (Abbas Arjmand), Nørgaard, B. (Bjarne), Sato, A. (Akira), J. Knuuti (Juhani), M.F.L. Meijs (Matthijs), Brodoefel, H. (Harald), Jenkins, S.M.M. (Shona M. M.), K. Altern Ovrehus (Kristian), A.C.P. Diederichsen (Axel), Hamdan, A. (Ashraf), Halvorsen, B.A. (Bjørn Arild), Mendoza Rodriguez, V. (Vladimir), Wan, Y.L. (Yung Liang), Rixe, J. (Johannes), Sheikh, M. (Mehraj), Langer, C. (Christoph), Ghostine, S. (Said), Martuscelli, E. (Eugenio), H. Niinuma (Hiroyuki), A. Scholte (Arthur), Nikolaou, K. (Konstantin), Ulimoen, G. (Geir), Zhang, Z. (Zhaoqi), H. Mickley (Hans), K. Nieman (Koen), P.A. Kaufmann (Philipp), Büchel, R.R. (Ronny Ralf), B.A. Herzog (Bernhard), M.E. Clouse (Melvin), Halon, D.A. (David A.), J. Leipsic (Jonathon), Bush, D. (David), Jakamy, R. (Reda), Sun, K. (Kai), Yang, L. (Lin), Johnson, T. (Thorsten), Laissy, J.-P. (Jean-Pierre), Marcus, R. (Roy), Muraglia, S. (Simone), J.-C. Tardif (Jean-Claude), B.J.W. Chow (Benjamin), N. Paul (Narinder), Maintz, D. (David), J. Hoe (John), A. de Roos (Albert), Haase, R. (Robert), M. Laule (Michael), P. Schlattmann (Peter) and T.M. Dewey (Todd M.)