Hepatitis E virus (HEV) is responsible for repeated water-borne outbreaks since the past century, representing an emerging issue in public health. However, the global burden of HEV outbreak has not been comprehensively described. We performed a systematic review of confirmed HEV outbreaks based on published literatures. HEV outbreaks have mainly been reported from Asian and African countries, and only a few from European and American countries. India represents a country with the highest number of reported HEV outbreaks. HEV genotypes 1 and 2 were responsible for most of the large outbreaks in developing countries. During the outbreaks in developing countries, a significantly higher case fatality rate was observed in pregnant women. In fact, outbreaks have occurred both in open and closed populations. The control measures mainly depend upon improvement of sanitation and hygiene. This study highlights that HEV outbreak is not new, yet it is a continuous global health problem.

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doi.org/10.1111/liv.13237, hdl.handle.net/1765/108138
Liver International
Department of Gastroenterology & Hepatology

Hakim, M.S. (Mohamad S.), Wang, W., Bramer, W., Geng, J. (Jiawei), Huang, F., de Man, R., … Pan, Q. (2017). The global burden of hepatitis E outbreaks: a systematic review. Liver International (Vol. 37, pp. 19–31). doi:10.1111/liv.13237