In the past years, the number of Dutch people who work on flexible labour contracts (e.g. fixed-term contracts and self-employment) has increased substantially. The consequences of flexible employment on macro-economic outcomes and career opportunities for individuals have been broadly analysed. Studies at the organisational level are largely missing. Therefore, this article analyses different personnel strategies at the workplace. Two different strategies attract attention in particular: 'high road' organisations are characterised by the use of permanent contracts and career enhancing activities, while 'low road' organisations combine the use of flexible employment without opportunities for career enhancement. Based on data on approximately 500 employers in the Netherlands, we observe that a high road strategy depends on the knowledge-intensity of work. Contrary to our expectations, the level of competitive pressure does not influence organisational choice processes.

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Mens en Maatschappij: tijdschrift voor sociale wetenschappen
Erasmus University Rotterdam

Dekker, F., & Koster, F. (2017). Personeelsstrategieën: Verklaringen voor verschillen in flexibiliteit en loopbaanontwikkeling op de werkplek. Mens en Maatschappij: tijdschrift voor sociale wetenschappen, 92(2), 153–174. doi:10.5117/MEM2017.2.DEKK