Learn how innovation is finding its way within the healthcare sector and get a grip on the latest technological developments. Based on insights from 77 stakeholders within the Dutch healthcare system, including healthcare professionals, entrepreneurs, researchers, consultants, policy makers, and input from 80 healthcare consumers this book helps you to understand:
• the technologies with the highest implementation potential in the healthcare sector,
• the advantages and disadvantages of such technologies,
• the dos and don’ts when implementing these technologies in your organization, and
• the future of healthcare with technology and patient in the lead.
Riding the techwave in an era of change helps you discover what healthcare experts have to say about technological innovations such as quantified-self, artificial intelligence, standardization of individual profiling, online health platforms, and big data. These are game changers that will revolutionize the healthcare sector. This book includes a pragmatic set of dos and don’ts, aimed at improving the often-troublesome process of technology implementation in the healthcare sector. The recommendations offered will ease your implementation process and help you surf this techwave towards a sustainable future.

Eleonoor Verlinden, Laura Vetter, Stephanie Holst-Bernal, Joost Blok
SMO Health 41 Team
Stichting Maatschappij en Onderneming (SMO)

ten Berge, J., Blok, J., Constantino Garcia Maldonado, Esther Heckendorf, Stephanie Holst-Bernal, Malou Noten, … Eleonoor Verlinden. (2018). Riding the techwave in an era of change. (Eleonoor Verlinden, Laura Vetter, Stephanie Holst-Bernal, & Joost Blok, Eds.). Retrieved from http://hdl.handle.net/1765/109673