Minimal essential data to document contact tracing and single dose rifampicin (SDR) for leprosy control in routine settings
A practical guide
Leprosy Review , Volume 89 - Issue 1 p. 2- 12
In leprosy control there is a renewed interest in active case finding, which is increasingly being combined with chemoprophylactic interventions to try and reduce M. leprae transmission. The Leprosy Post-Exposure Prophylaxis (LPEP) programme, currently ongoing in eight endemic countries, pilots the provision of single-dose rifampicin (SDR) to eligible contacts of leprosy patients. LPEP has developed a surveillance system including data collection, reporting and regular monitoring for every participating country. This system is still largely programmespecific to LPEP. To facilitate continuity after completion of the project phase and start-up in other interested countries, we aim at identifying the minimal set of data required to appropriately document contact tracing activities and SDR administration for leprosy control in a routine setting. We describe four indicators for the index case (plus four already routinely collected) and seven indicators for household/neighbour screening, and community surveys. We propose two generic forms to capture all relevant information required at field and district level to follow-up on individuals or data if needed, provide guidance on the sequence of tasks, provide quality control by listing key questions to assess SDR eligibility, and facilitate reporting. These generic forms have to be adapted to local requirements in terms of layout, language, and additional operational indicators.
Additional Metadata | |
hdl.handle.net/1765/109971 | |
Leprosy Review | |
Organisation | Department of Public Health |
Richardus, J. H., Kasang, C. (Christa), Mieras, L. (Liesbeth), Anand, S. (Sunil), Bonenberger, M. (Marc), Ignotti, E. (Eliane), … Steinmann, P. (2018). Minimal essential data to document contact tracing and single dose rifampicin (SDR) for leprosy control in routine settings. Leprosy Review, 89(1), 2–12. Retrieved from http://hdl.handle.net/1765/109971 |