The role of the asylum period for the mental health and social integration of asylum permit holders in Rotterdam This research is about the role of the asylum period for the social integration of asylum permit holders and their mental health. The focus is not only on the duration of the asylum period but also on the effect of relocations and activities like volunteering and (language) education. The research uses data from asylum permit holders in the Dutch city of Rotterdam (N = 701). It is found that the duration of the asylum period has negative consequences for the mental health of the asylum permit holders. This is explained by the many relocations which are related to a longer stay in asylum centers and not because of the living conditions in the asylum centers. It is also found that undertaking activities in this period is beneficial for their social integration once they are outside of the asylum center.

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Mens en Maatschappij: tijdschrift voor sociale wetenschappen
Department of Public Administration and Sociology (DPAS)

Weeda, L., van der Linden, M., & Dagevos, J. (2018). Breekt de zon door in het AZC? De rol van de AZC-periode voor de mentale gezondheid en sociale integratie van statushouders in Rotterdam. Mens en Maatschappij: tijdschrift voor sociale wetenschappen, 93(4), 313–342. Retrieved from