It is often argued that increased volunteer participation in public service organizations will lead to de-professionalization of established professionals. Adopting a relational approach, this article shows that professionalization of new actors can actually initiate and reinforce the professionalization of others. This article focuses on the interplay between nonelite actors in social care that carry out institutional work aimed at pursuing three strategies: classic professionalization of volunteer coordinators, proto-professionalization of volunteers, and advanced professionalization of social care practitioners. Potential negative implications of these professionalization strategies are the hollowing out of paid social care work and the exclusion of vulnerable volunteers.

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Administration & Society
Erasmus School of Health Policy & Management (ESHPM)

van Bochove, M., & Oldenhof, L. (2018). Institutional work in changing public service organizations: the interplay between professionalization strategies of non-elite actors. Administration & Society, 1–27. doi:10.1177/0095399718786880