The Dutch state structure consists of several tiers of government: the central government and the decentralised authorities of government, in particular the municipalities (gemeenten) and the provinces (provincies). Different tasks and competences are allocated between these tiers. Terms such as decentralisation and centralisation; autonomous power (autonomie) and shared power (medebewind) have traditionally played an important role in the allocation of competences. Supervisory instruments regarding decentralised authorities are necessary to ensure the unity of government. The desired degree of autonomy influences choice of supervisory instruments. Less autonomous power opens the door for more powerful and far-reaching instruments. The use of supervisory powers is considered to be indicated when a higher or more general interest is violated or when a decentralised authority has acted contrary to the law. Due to the fact that the Kingdom of the Netherlands is a Member State of the European Community and the European Union, both the national legal order and the government structure within that legal order are directly influenced by developments within the European legal order. Op de volledige tekst van het proefschrift rust een embargo tot 1 juli 2008. Het proefschrift is verkrijgbaar bij Wolf Legal Publishers, Nijmegen.

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Lange, Prof. Mr. R. de (promotor)
Erasmus University Rotterdam , Wolf Legal Publishers, Nijmegen (
Erasmus School of Law

van der Sluis, C. (2008, February 29). In Wederzijdse Afhankelijkheid: Nationaal bestuurlijk toezicht in Europees perspectief. Retrieved from