Danger and Displacement in the Dollard: The 1509 Flooding of the Dollard Sea (Groningen) and its Impact on Long-Term Inequality in the Distribution of Property
Environment and History , Volume 22 - Issue 1 p. 103- 135
Additional Metadata | |
doi.org/10.3197/096734016X14497391602288, hdl.handle.net/1765/114918 | |
Environment and History | |
Organisation | Department of History |
Curtis, D. (2016). Danger and Displacement in the Dollard: The 1509 Flooding of the Dollard Sea (Groningen) and its Impact on Long-Term Inequality in the Distribution of Property. Environment and History, 22(1), 103–135. doi:10.3197/096734016X14497391602288 |