An industry is an ensemble of individual firms (decision making units) which may or may not interact with each other. Similarly, an economy is an ensemble of industries. In National Accounts terms this is symbolized by the fact that the nominal value added produced by an industry or an economy is the simple sum of firm-, or industry-specific nominal value added. From this viewpoint it is natural to expect that there is a relation between (aggregate) industry or economy productivity and the (disaggregate) firm- or industry-specific productivities. In an earlier paper (Statistica Neerlandica 2015) three time-symmetric decompositions of aggregate value-added-based total factor productivity change were developed. In the present paper a fourth decomposition will be developed. A notable difference with the earlier paper is that the development is cast in terms of levels rather than indices. Various aspects of this new decomposition will be discussed and links with decompositions found in the literature unveiled. It turns out that one can dispense with the usual neo-classical assumptions.