Although the 'best fit' approach in HRM is theoretically convincing, to date there is still a lack of empirical support and no agreement among academics on the operationalization of the two most widely used types of fit, strategic and internal fit. In this paper, we develop alternative ways to measure these fits, which cover the complexity of the constructs. Moreover, we introduce adaptation as a dynamic component to strategic and internal fit. We use case study data from two organizations in a retail setting to illustrate the proposed measurement approach and conclude with an evaluation of these operationalizations.

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67th Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management, AOM 2007
Erasmus School of Economics

Boon, C., Boselie, P., Paauwe, J., & den Hartog, D. (2007). Measuring strategic and internal fit in HRM: An alternative approach. In Academy of Management 2007 Annual Meeting: Doing Well by Doing Good, AOM 2007. Retrieved from