The focus of this thesis is on the interaction of parasitic helminths, in particular schistosomes, with the blood coagulation system of their host. Prolonged presence of the adult schistosome pair in the vasculature is expected to activate the blood coagulation system. The interaction of schistosomes with blood coagulation has been investigated by many other researchers. Also, coagulopathy that is observed after prolonged (hepatosplenic) infection is described in detail.
However, so far a complete overview of the mechanisms schistosomes utilize to interfere with human haemostasis is missing and it is unknown whether there are any yet undiscovered strategies the parasite applies for evading blood coagulation. Furthermore, insights in the presence of coagulopathy in non-hepatosplenic schistosomiasis is currently not available.
The aim of the work in this thesis is to
(1) present an overview on the blood coagulation modification mechanisms of schistosomes,
(2) provide insight in coagulopathy in schistosome infections without hepatic disease, and
(3) identify yet unknown mechanisms of modification of blood coagulation by schistosomes and other bloodfeeding parasites.