The current study reports the results of an experiment that examined training of multiple functions to each of two stimuli in two 3-member equivalence classes (A1, B1, C1 and A2, B2, C2). Behaviours trained involved a “number” and “colour” component when drawing dots; at A1 draw 10 black dots, at C1 draw 1 black dot, at A2 draw 10 red dots and at C2 draw 1 red dot. In the majority of cases, the behaviours trained initially to A and C stimuli appeared in the presence of these stimuli during tests for transfer of function. For 10/12 participants who maintained this baseline responding, emergent behaviours appearing at B generally were colour appropriate for each class. The number of dots drawn varied across participants ranging from 1 to 11 dots, although numbers were consistent across trials for each participant. The results are discussed with respect to the control and predictability of novel behaviour in equivalence classes.

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European Journal of Behavior Analysis
Department of Pedagogical Sciences

Schenk, J., Keenan, M. (Mickey), & Morren, J. (Jennifer). (2015). Using multiple functions within equivalence classes to generate novel responding. European Journal of Behavior Analysis, 16(1), 99–111. doi:10.1080/15021149.2015.1066156