Prospective identification of lipid-rich vulnerable plaque has remained an elusive goal. Intravascular photoacoustics, a hybrid optical and ultrasonic technology, was developed as a tool for lipid-rich plaque imaging. Here, we present the first in vivo images of lipid-rich coronary atherosclerosis acquired with this new technology in a large animal model, and relate them to independent catheter-based imaging and histology,
Department of Cardiology

Iskander-Rizk, S., Wu, M., Springeling, T., van Beusekom, H., Mastik, F., Hekkert, M. T. L., … van Soest, G. (2019). In vivo intravascular photoacoustic imaging of plaque lipid in coronary atherosclerosis. EuroIntervention, 15(5), 452–+. doi:10.4244/eij-d-19-00318