Stent underexpansion is frequently observed in calcified coronary lesions and increases the risk of future adverse cardiac events. Current plaquemodification techniques might not be suitable when calcium deposition is circumferential and deep inside the vessel wall. We report a case during which coronary lithoplasty was used as an adjuvant therapy to improve severe stent underexpansion after failed atherectomy and high-pressure non-compliant balloon dilatations.

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Catheterization and Cardiovascular Interventions
Department of Cardiology

Tovar Forero, M.N. (Maria Natalia), van Mieghem, N., & Daemen, J. (2019). Stent underexpansion due to heavy coronary calcification resistant to rotational atherectomy: A case for coronary lithoplasty?. Catheterization and Cardiovascular Interventions. doi:10.1002/ccd.28641