This conference paper submitted on the occasion of the 8th International Conference on Information Law and Ethics (University of Antwerp, December 13-14, 2018) that focused on modern intellectual property governance and openness in Europe elaborates upon the Text and Data Mining (TDM) issue in the field of scientific research, which is still-by the time of composition of this paper-in the process of discussion and forthcoming voting before the European Parliament in the form of provision(s) included in a new Directive on Copyright in the Digital Single Market. TDM is included in the proposal for a Directive of the European parliament and of the Council on copyright in the Digital Single Market-Proposal COM(2016)593 final 2016/0280(COD) that was submitted to the European Parliament.

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Erasmus Law Review
Erasmus Law Review
Erasmus School of Law

Bottis, M., Papadopoulos, M., Zampakolas, C., & Ganatsiou, P. (2019). On the Eve of Web-Harvesting and Web-
Archiving for Libraries in Greece. Erasmus Law Review, 12(2), 178–189. doi:10.5553/ELR.000135