Using data from the Generations and Gender Survey for the cohorts born from 1926 to 1985 in Georgia, and the linear probability models of higher educational and ISCO 1-2 occupational attainment, I find the large ascriptive inequalities of life chances, which especially intensified for those born in 1976-85. Having parents with the lower socio-economic status negatively and significantly associates with life prospects. Although tertiary education serves mainly as the mediator of social origin, the latter also exerts a direct effect on the occupational attainment. One of the reasons why the inequalities in life chances have increased in recent decades is the growing gap between educational expansion and occupational upgrade and the resultant inflation of credentials.
The Caucasus Social Science Review

Gugushvili, A. (2013). Social Origin, Education and Occupation in Georgia. The Caucasus Social Science Review, 1(1), 1–26. Retrieved from