Calcified lesions often mean percutaneous intervention results are suboptimal and increase the risk of procedural complications and future adverse events. Available plaque-modifying devices rely on tissue compression or debulking, with the intention of fracturing calcium and facilitating optimal stent deployment. In contrast, coronary intravascular lithotripsy delivers unfocused, circumferential, pulsatile mechanical energy to safely disrupt the calcium within the target lesion. The present review summarises the evidence available so far on this therapy and includes a practical description of the components and function of the Shockwave Intravascular Lithotripsy System (Shockwave Medical).

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Interventional Cardiology (London)
Department of Cardiology

Forero, M.N.T. (Maria Natalia Tovar), & Daemen, J. (2019). The coronary intravascular lithotripsy system. Interventional Cardiology (London), 14(3), 174–181. doi:10.15420/icr.2019.18.R1