Supplementary Table 1. Overview of effects of levoketoconazole and racemic ketoconazole on the steroid profile in human adrenocortical cultures
Supplementary Table 2. Overview of effects of levoketoconazole and racemic ketoconazole on the steroid profile in cortisol-producing ACA no. 2
Supplementary Figure 1. Effects of levoketoconazole (solid lines) and racemic ketoconazole (dotted lines) on cortisol production in primary human adrenocortical carcinoma cultures
Department of Internal Medicine

Creemers, S. (2020). Supplementary material for: 'Levoketoconazole, the 2S,4R Enantiomer of Ketoconazole, a New Steroidogenesis Inhibitor for Cushing’s Syndrome Treatment’. Retrieved from