This dissertation focusses on ‘shear wave elastography’, a non-invasive technique that can potentially be used for the early detection of an increased stiffness of the myocardium in people with (an increased risk on) heart failure. The accurate measurement and interpretation of natural shear waves after valve closure are focused on in particular. The results show that the propagation speeds of these natural shear waves are not only affected by intrinsic characteristics of the myocardium (passive myocardial stiffness, relaxation and contraction), but also by the hemodynamic loading.

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N. de Jong (Nico) , A.F.W. van der Steen (Ton) , H.J. Vos (Rik) , J.G. Bosch (Hans)
Erasmus University Rotterdam
The research described in this thesis is part of the NWO-TTW/Technologiestichting STW and Dutch Heart Foundation partnership program ’Earlier recognition of cardiovascular diseases’ (DHF 2015B039; NWO-STW14740)
Department of Biomedical Engineering

Keijzer, L. (2020, December 2). Cardiac Shear Wave Elastography. Retrieved from