PURPOSE: Youth with disabilities face challenges regarding achieving autonomy. The ‘Skills for Growing Up’ tool was adapted for use in Dutch pediatric rehabilitation (SGU-D) to support development of autonomy. This study presents the experiences with the SGU-D tool. METHODS: The SGU-D was implemented in 18 settings, of which 4 participated in the evaluation. Rehabilitation professionals were trained in the use of the SGU-D. In a qualitative study, participants were interviewed for their opinions regarding the tool. RESULTS: Experience with the SGU-D was evaluated in 11 youth with disabilities, 11 parents and 8 rehabilitation professionals. They perceived the SGU-D as a helpful tool: i) to support development of autonomy, ii) to focus on future perspectives, and iii) to facilitate communication with family and rehabilitation professionals. Additional support from rehabilitation professionals on using the SGU-D was appreciated. CONCLUSION: Youth with disabilities, their parents and rehabilitation professionals value the SGU-D as a practical tool for working on autonomy, and to identify important areas of development.

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doi.org/10.3233/prm-190618, hdl.handle.net/1765/130246
Journal of Pediatric Rehabilitation Medicine
Department of Rehabilitation Medicine

Hilberink, S., Grootoonk, A., Ketelaar, M., de Vos, I., Cornet, L., & Roebroeck, M. (2020). Focus on autonomy: Using: 'Skills for Growing Up' in pediatric rehabilitation care. Journal of Pediatric Rehabilitation Medicine, 13(2), 161–167. doi:10.3233/prm-190618