Background: Clinical experiences in the treatment of telangiectases, using polidocanol foam in combination with laser irradiation, have showed promising results. The aim of this study is to investigate the photophysical phenomena of this treatment combination. Methods: Polidocanol (Aethoxysklerol® 0.5%) was poured in the silica cell in liquid form and analyzed with a spectrometer. The measurement was repeated with the drug emulsified, turning it into a white microfoam, 3, 9 and 30 minutes after emulsification. To verify that the microfoam absorbs radiation, a temperature measurement was performed. The liquid polidocanol, poured into a quartz capillary, was irradiated with a laser and the temperature of the liquid was measured with a thermocouple during irradiation. Afterwards the measure was repeated with the microfoam. Results: The liquid polidocanol is nearly transparent to radiation, while the microfoam becomes highly absorptive at 900-1100 nm within 3 minutes from emulsification. When irradiated the liquid polidocanol shows a temperature increase of 4 °C, while the microfoam increased by 51 °C. CO Nclusions: These results explain the success in the treatment of telangiectases using the laser irradiation of polidocanol microfoam. The irradiation heats the microfoam, leading to thermo-shrinkage effects of the vessels. The laser wavelengths most suitable to induce these effects have been identified.

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Acta Phlebologica
Erasmus MC: University Medical Center Rotterdam

Cecchetti, L. (Leonardo), Bussotti, C. (Claudia), Fabris, S. (Sabrina), & Pacifici, A. (Alvaro). (2019). Light absorption phenomena in polidocanol microfoam used for removing telangiectases. Acta Phlebologica, 20(3), 73–79. doi:10.23736/S1593-232X.19.00444-2