International transfers have attracted the attention of economists ever since the famous debate between Keynes and Ohlin on German reparation payments after World War I. Today the subject is of even greater importance with billions of dollars flowing between nations as unilateral transfers. However the emphasis has shifted from balance-of-payments issues to the welfare consequences following a transfer, and in particular the welfare issues arising from aid to developing countries. In The Economics of International Transfers Professors Brakman and van Marrewijk present a complete overview of transfers (including the history of transfers and current transfer flows), and their own unified framework in which they present important and original research. Subjects considered include welfare effects, distortions, third parties, rent-seeking, the ‘trade or aid’ discussion, multi-lateral agencies, tied aid and imperfect competition.

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Cambridge University Press
Erasmus School of Economics

Brakman, S., & van Marrewijk, C. (1998). The economics of international transfers. Retrieved from