The present study entails an analysis of the early measures and policies developed by five smaller and medium-sized European countries (the Czech Republic, the Netherlands, Portugal, Slovenia, Switzerland) in response to the global COVID-19 pandemic. In order to enable such a comparison, data was collected and categorised on government measures that could affect cultural and creative organizations and workers, issued by departments as diverse as economy and business, social affairs, education, and culture. By using interpretative argumentative techniques, and consideration of selected context factors, possible explanatory patterns of how and why countries have implemented which types of measures are discussed. The findings highlight that early policy measures have been developed against the backdrop of a complex interplay of public policy priorities over the last years. In these priorities the intensity of state involvement, the economic situation before the pandemic and the propensity of self-employment in society are key to understanding the adoption of specific policy measures across countries.

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International Journal of Cultural Policy
Arts & Culture Studies

Betzler, D., Loots, E., Prokůpek, M., Marques, L., & Grafenauer, P. (2020). COVID-19 and the arts and cultural sectors: investigating countries’ contextual factors and early policy measures. International Journal of Cultural Policy. doi:10.1080/10286632.2020.1842383