Femoral her nias are un com mon in chil dren, due to the un fa mil iar ity it is an of ten mis di ag nosed con di tion. In this ar ti cle, we pre sent a 6 - year old male pa tient and a 14 - year old fe male pa tient. Ini tially the pa tients were di ag nosed with a in guinal her nia and a hy dro cele of the canal of Nuck, re spec tively. In the first case the pa - tient re turned af ter the first surgery with a re cur ring bulging, dur ing the sur gi cal ex plo ration of the sec ond surgery a femoral her nia was found. In the sec ond case a femoral her nia was ob served dur ing surgery in stead of a hy dro cele of the canal of Nuck. With the aim of pre vent ing mis di ag no sis, clin i cians must be aware of femoral her ni a tion in chil dren, es pe cially when clin i cal pre sen ta tion is not typ i cal.

doi.org/10.1016/j.epsc.2020.101671, hdl.handle.net/1765/133804
Journal of Pediatric Surgery Case Reports

Lockhorst, E.W., van der Slegt, J., Veen, EJ, & Vos, D.I. (2020). Femoral hernias occur in both genders. Journal of Pediatric Surgery Case Reports, 63. doi:10.1016/j.epsc.2020.101671