In October of 2019, researchers and community members from around the world met at the NIH for the fifth annual International Workshop on Microbiome in HIV. New research was presented on the role of the microbiome on chronic inflammation and vaccine design, interactions of genetics, environment, sexual practice and HIV infection with the microbiome and the development and clinical trials of microbiome-based therapeutic approaches intended to decrease the probability of HIV acquisition/transmission or ameliorate sequelae of HIV. The keynote address by Dr. Jacques Ravel focused on his work on the vaginal microbiome and efforts to improve the analysis and resolution of microbiome data.

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AIDS Research and Human Retroviruses
Department of Virology

Sherrill-Mix, S., Connors, K., Aldrovandi, G.M., Brenchley, J.M., Boucher, C., Bushman, F.D., … Ghosh, M. (2020). A Summary of the Fifth Annual Virology Education HIV Microbiome Workshop. AIDS Research and Human Retroviruses, 36(11), 886–895. doi:10.1089/aid.2020.0121