Multiple interactions between regulatory regions are required to stabilize an active chromatin hub

  1. George P. Patrinos,
  2. Mariken de Krom1,
  3. Ernie de Boer,
  4. An Langeveld,
  5. A.M. Ali Imam,
  6. John Strouboulis,
  7. Wouter de Laat, and
  8. Frank G. Grosveld2
  1. Erasmus University Medical Center, Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences, MGC Department of Cell Biology and Genetics, Rotterdam, 3000 DR, The Netherlands


The human β-globin locus control region (LCR) is required for the maintenance of an open chromatin configuration of the locus. It interacts with the genes and the hypersensitive regions flanking the locus to form an active chromatin hub (ACH) transcribing the genes. Proper developmental control of globin genes is largely determined by gene proximal regulatory sequences. Here, we provide the first functional evidence of the role of the most active sites of the LCR and the promoter of the β-globin gene in the maintenance of the ACH. When the human β-globin gene promoter is deleted in the context of a full LCR, the ACH is maintained with the β-globin gene remaining in proximity. Additional deletion of hypersensitive site HS3 or HS2 of the LCR shows that HS3, but not HS2, in combination with the β-globin promoter is crucial for the maintenance of the ACH at the definitive stage. We conclude that multiple interactions between the LCR and the β-globin gene are required to maintain the appropriate spatial configuration in vivo.



  • Article and publication are at

  • 1 Present address: Utrecht University, Rudolf Magnus Institute for Neurosciences, Department of Pharmacology, 3584CG, Utrecht, The Netherlands.

  • 2 Corresponding author. E-MAIL f.grosveld{at}; FAX 31-10-408-9468.

    • Accepted April 20, 2004.
    • Received October 28, 2003.
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