This teaching case focuses on the expansion of the online supermarket, Picnic, in Germany. It targets the development of numerous concepts in economics and business such as marketing strategies and profitability. The case starts wit han introduction to the company, Picnic and the protagonist, Michiel Muller followed by the discussion on the location of the expansion, Germany. The next point of focus is competitive analysis of the industry to understand the position of Picnic in Germany. The subsequent part of the case is concerned with the supply chain and logistics of the company which discusses the optimisation algorithms and the unique delivery system of the company. The case concludes with a brainstorming session on the problems Picnic faced during expansion and might face in the future.

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RSM Case Development Centre

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Erasmus Research Institute of Management

Cracan, C., Matsiiako, V., & Kant, G. (2020). Expansion of Picnic to Germany: How to Replicate The Success of the Company in Another Country. RSM Case Development Centre. Retrieved from