Our training program using a task training model can be utilized for percutaneous femoral access and REBOA placement training of QRT-FF without prior ultrasound or endovascular experience. Training the use of advanced bleeding control options such as REBOA, as a secondary occupational task, has the potential to improve outcomes for severely bleeding casualties in the field.

Surgery and Traumatology
Journal of special operations medicine : a peer reviewed journal for SOF medical professionals
Erasmus MC: University Medical Center Rotterdam

Borger van der Burg, B., Vrancken, S. M., van Dongen, T., DuBose, J., Bowyer, M. W., & Hoencamp, R. (2020). Feasibility Study of Vascular Access and REBOA Placement in Quick Response Team Firefighters. Journal of special operations medicine : a peer reviewed journal for SOF medical professionals, 20(1), 81–167. Retrieved from http://hdl.handle.net/1765/135495