The teaching case outlines the European Heritage Fashion Association's (EFHA) current approach to collaborating with university students, based on a three-step approach: creating awareness, facilitating educational activities, and building engagement. Overall, the majority of the EFHA's student engagement have grown organically. However, the EFHA’s leadership wants to have a more proactive strategy to increase more beneficial interactions with a broader range of students from multiple disciplines. At the same time, they want to ensure they are adding value back to their stakeholders of galleries, libraries, archives, and museums (GLAMs). The EFHA is challenged to improve student engagements overall and bridging students with GLAMs in a creative and mutually beneficial way for all involved, particularly in a setting where digital solutions are encouraged.

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RSM Case Development Centre
Erasmus Research Institute of Management

Ongartthaworn, N., Dumitru, A. M., van Barneveld, L., Cavalcanti de Albuquergue, I., So, D. W., & Wubs, B. (2022). The Value of Student Engagement: The European Fashion Heritage Association. RSM Case Development Centre. Retrieved from