Zivver: Scaling Up the Next Generation of Secure Communications
Zivver B.V. (hereafter Zivver), a tech company headquartered in the Netherlands, offers safe digital communications through a software as a service (SaaS) model. Led by Rick Goud, a tech-savvy and creative mind, and Wouter Klinkhamer, a methodical and business thinker, Zivver has grown rapidly since its inception in 2015. By 2022, it has over 4.6 million users and a revenue of around U$10 million, holding a strong position in its home Dutch market and an initial successful internationalization into the UK. Zivver has the vision to help companies in their digital transformation journey, and sets an ambitious goal for itself: to be the trusted communications provider for more than 1 billion users by 2030. However, Zivver’s accelerated growth has brough about considerable challenges for its leaders: they must align both entrepreneurial and analytical leadership styles coexisting in the organization, organize the firm to grow at different paces in two countries at the same time, and differentiate and position the company to conquer international markets within and beyond Europe. How can Zivver effectively transition from a Dutch firm into a global impactful player?
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hdl.handle.net/1765/137140 | |
RSM Case Development Centre | |
Based on field research; 18 pages Follow the 'handle' link to access the Case Study on RePub. For EUR staff members: the Teaching Note is available on request, you can contact us at rsm.nl/cdc/contact/ For external users: follow the link to purchase the Case Study and the Teaching Note. |
Organisation | Rotterdam School of Management (RSM), Erasmus University |
Varga, S., Arellano Geoffroy, P., Mom, T., & Jansen, J. (2022). Zivver: Scaling Up the Next Generation of Secure Communications. RSM Case Development Centre. Retrieved from http://hdl.handle.net/1765/137140 |