First described 100 years ago by Alois Alzheimer, the clinico-pathological entity that we now call Alzheimer disease was initially presented as a clinically unusual type of dementia. 1 Nowadays, Alzheimer disease is recognized as the main cause of dementia and one of the most disabling and burdensome health conditions worldwide.2,3 The number of people affected by dementia is estimated to double every 20 years to over 80 million by 2040.3 This will not only affect patients and their caregivers, but will also put an enormous demand on health care and welfare resources.

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Netherlands Heart Foundation
P.T.V.M. de Jong (Paulus) , M.M.B. Breteler (Monique)
Erasmus University Rotterdam
Erasmus MC: University Medical Center Rotterdam

de Jong, F. J. (2007, May 23). Endocrine Factors, Retinal Vessels, and Risk of Dementia. Retrieved from