The Reserve Cell in the Uterine Cervix: aspects of development, differentiation and diagnosis
De reservecel in de cervix uteri: detectie, differentiatie en diagnose
Carcinoma of the uterine cervix is worldwide the second most common cancer in
women. It has been approximately 150 years since the first description of uterine cervical
carcinoma, a century since the description of its precursor lesions, and half a century since
the introduction of the method proposed by Papanicolaou for detecting cervical neoplasms
by cytologic screening. In time investigators have proposed a multitude of histologic and
cytologic terms for cervical precursor lesions, have devised methods and techniques for
diagnosis and treatment, and have identified the causative agent i.e. human papillomavirus
Subclinical cervical HPV infection causes typical cytological and histological features
called koilocytosis. Koss was one of the first to relate koilocytosis to condylomas and
associated these with premalignant cervical lesions, zur Hausen (Nobel Prize winner 2008)
was the first to relate HPV to cervical cancer. From that moment HPV was the major
subject for investigators in the search for answers in cervical carcinogenesis. In the
1980’s and 1990’s new molecular and cell biological techniques developed rapidly and
made it possible to detect HPV DNA in tissue and cell samples, to identify the many HPV
subtypes and to study the effect of HPV on the cell cycle and the process of apoptosis.
These techniques are now widely applied for diagnostic purposes, allowing a beter
recognition of the HPV-infected lesions. Resulting in a better prognostication and giving
rise to more molecular approaches that complement the (immuno) histochemical and
cytochemical protocols.
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T.J.M. Helmerhorst (Theo) , F.C.S. Ramaekers (Franks) | |
Erasmus University Rotterdam | |
hdl.handle.net/1765/14040 | |
Organisation | Erasmus MC: University Medical Center Rotterdam |
van Muyden-Martens, J. (2008, December 3). The Reserve Cell in the Uterine Cervix: aspects of development, differentiation and diagnosis. Retrieved from http://hdl.handle.net/1765/14040 |
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2817_Muyden-Martens, Johanna Elisabeth van.jpg Cover Image , 11kb | |
22073 Muijden Stellingen.pdf , 31kb |