Exploring IT opportunities: The case of the Dutch elderly policy chain
There is a growing belief that IT can improve public management in general. The Dutch policy and services with regard to the elderly are no exception. Obviously, IT opportunities in the healthcare domain play a central role in this, since the main objective of policies is to sustain the independent functioning of the elderly in everyday social life. In this research four IT opportunities for elderly policy in The Netherlands are explored through discussion meetings with elderly, and consultation of experts in the field of elderly policy and services. The IT opportunities are designed to align the different levels of motivation and skills of elderly to use IT. Four IT pilot projects are defined, that take into account the costs and benefits of these opportunities to improve the elderly policy chain in The Netherlands.
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hdl.handle.net/1765/14294 | |
Journals of Cases on Information Technology | |
Organisation | Erasmus MC: University Medical Center Rotterdam |
Batenburg, R., Versendaal, J., & Breedveld, E. (2008). Exploring IT opportunities: The case of the Dutch elderly policy chain. Journals of Cases on Information Technology, 65–76. Retrieved from http://hdl.handle.net/1765/14294 |