The scope of this thesis is to explore the reach of a free hepatitis B vaccination program among high-risk groups: drug users (DUs), commercial sex workers (CSWs) and men who have sex with men (MSM). Chapter 1 presents information on the prevalence of hepatitis B, the risk factors for getting infected with the hepatitis B virus, and the targeted vaccination program in the Netherlands. Also presented here are the main aims of the current work, behavior change theories that may predict vaccination uptake, and an outline of this thesis.

, ,
ZonMw,Netherlands Association for Community Health Services (GGD Nederland)
H.F.L. Garretsen (Henk) , H. van de Mheen (Dike)
Erasmus University Rotterdam
Erasmus MC: University Medical Center Rotterdam

Baars, J. (2009, January 16). Hard to Reach? Hepatitis B vaccination among high-risk groups. Retrieved from