Since its introduction in about 1950, the Le Fort III (LF III) procedure has become a widely accepted treatment for correction of midface hypoplasia and related functional and esthetic problems. As long-term surgical experience grows and improvements are made in technique, equipment and peri-operative care, the number of LF III procedures performed worldwide is increasing. A number of fundamental questions concerning the technique remain unclear, and large, conclusive studies are lacking owing to the relative rarity of severe midface hypoplasia. This literature review aims to address problems, such as the indication field, timing of surgery, rate of relapse and the use of distraction osteogenesis. An overview of the history and technique of LF III osteotomy and distraction is provided, together with a comprehensive review of the available clinical data.

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International Journal of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery
Erasmus MC: University Medical Center Rotterdam

Nout, E., Cesteleyn, L. L. M., van der Wal, K., van Adrichem, L., Mathijssen, I., & Wolvius, E. (2008). Advancement of the midface, from conventional Le Fort III osteotomy to Le Fort III distraction: review of the literature. International Journal of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery (Vol. 37, pp. 781–789). doi:10.1016/j.ijom.2008.04.006