This study focuses on the subject of encumbered movable property rights. The central question raised is whether this encumbered property right is an appropriate legal concept to protect a specific party against a transfer of ownership. This question is analysed by comparing three legal concepts that may lead to an encumbered property right: delivery constituto possessorio, nullification of a legal act by an actio pauliana and transfer restrictions as a result of an attachment on movable property.

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A.I.M. Mierlo van (Toon)
Erasmus University Rotterdam , Boom Uitgevers, Den Haag
Erasmus School of Law

Damsteegt-Molier, F. (2009, March 5). Relativering van eigendom: Een analyse aan de hand van de relativering van de levering c.p., de relatieve werking van de vernietiging op grond van de pauliana en van de blokkeringsregel bij beslag op roerende zaken. Retrieved from