In the current global corporate climate that surrounds us, firms would do well to encourage the talent and creativity of their employees to achieve success. This is achieved, not by giving priority to individual talent, but by optimizing the collective as a whole and with the firm's activities based on teamwork and joint effort. Heads of organizations might benefit from creating a favorable context for the birth and growth of collective internal cooperation, which is understood to be the collective ability to create and innovate on the part of the team, the firm or the organization. Having contrasted our hypotheses through research on Spanish firms, we have concluded that job satisfaction and commitment to the team are factors that have a direct and positive effect on Internal Entrepreneurship.

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ERIM Article Series (EAS)
Small Business Economics: an entrepreneurship journal
Erasmus Research Institute of Management

Akehurst, G., Comeche, J. M., & Galindo, M. A. (2009). Job satisfaction and commitment in the entrepreneurial SME. Small Business Economics: an entrepreneurship journal, 32(3), 277–289. doi:10.1007/s11187-008-9116-z