Liver transplantation (LTx) has developed from an experimental procedure in the 1960’s to the preferred treatment for end-stage liver disease nowadays. The first human LTx was performed by Starlz and his team in 1963 in Colorado.[1] Unfortunately, this patient died within a few days. The first successful LTx was performed in 1967 by the same team; this patient survived one year. The most prevalent indications for LTx in Europe are virus-related cirrhosis (22%), alcoholic cirrhosis (19%), cancer (18%), cholestatic liver diseases (11%), acute hepatic failure (9%) and metabolic disease (6%).[2] The main complications in the immediate postoperative period are dysfunction and rejection of the graft, infections, bile duct complications and pulmonary or neurological problems. Long-term complications after LTx are typically a consequence of the prolonged immunosuppressive therapy, and include diabetes mellitus, infections, renal dysfunction, hypertension, osteoporosis, and de novo neoplasia.[3] Currently, three University Medical Centers are performing LTx’s in the Netherlands: Groningen, Leiden and Rotterdam.

Part of this thesis was supported by grants from Fonds NutsOhra (project no. SNO-T-0601-41). The printing of this thesis was financially sponsored by Astellas Pharma BV, Novartis Pharma BV and Roche Nederland BV. Their support is gratefully acknowledged.
H.J. Stam (Henk)
Erasmus University Rotterdam
Erasmus MC: University Medical Center Rotterdam

van Ginneken, B. (2009, July). Fatigue after Liver Transplantation. Retrieved from