Over the past decades the numbers of children and adults being overweight or obese have increased so rapidly, that overweight and obesity are among the most important and challenging public health problems. It is therefore important to prevent overweight in all age groups. Children and adolescents may however be especially important groups to target. Obesity at young age is associated with a higher likelihood of the development of chronic diseases at an early age or later in life. Furthermore, overweight or obese children and adolescents are more likely to become overweight or obese adults. To be able to develop theory and evidence-based interventions aimed at the prevention of excess weight gain, it is essential to identify which specific energy intake and energy expenditure behaviors contribute most to excess weight gain, and which determinants are associated with engagement in such behaviors. This thesis reports on a number of studies on the identification of individual and environmental correlates of behaviors related to the energy balance (i.e. energy intake and expenditure behaviors). These studies were part of the ENDORSE project (ENvironmental Determinants of Obesity in Rotterdam SchoolchildrEn) which was initiated to contribute to systematic, evidence based research on individual and environmental determinants of overweight and obesity.

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Erasmus University Rotterdam
Erasmus MC: University Medical Center Rotterdam

van der Horst-Nachtegaal, K. (2009, October 7). ENDORSE: Environmental Determinants of Overweight in Rotterdam Schoolchildren. Retrieved from http://hdl.handle.net/1765/16933