This paper bridges a gap between emergent transition theories and the policy maker facing societal transitions when making long-term policy. Using a two-step approach the abstract concepts are linked to the realm of the policy maker. First the forces underlying transitions are identified and second where they can be found is presented. For this a conceptual map of societal systems, the clover model, is introduced. With the clover model the structures, cultures and practices of societal systems can be found. Furthermore, intermediate changes are systematically treated to track the phases of a transition. These transition diagnostics are supplemented with recommended policy frameworks.

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Futures: the journal of policy, planning and futures studies
Dutch Research Institute for Transitions (DRIFT)

Frantzeskaki, N., & de Haan, H. (2009). Transitions: Two steps from theory to policy. Futures: the journal of policy, planning and futures studies, 41(9), 593–606. doi:10.1016/j.futures.2009.04.009