It is becoming increasingly clear that inappropriate alcohol use and its consequences inflict a great burden on society. The general increase in the rates of alcohol consumption in most countries in the European Union (except for France and Italy) in the seventies triggered off this awareness. In the Netherlands, alcohol consllmption has tripled since 1960: the consumption per capita increased fwm2.6litres in 1960 to 9.4litrcs (ad 100%) in 1979 (Zwart & Mensink 1996). In the 1980s, consnmption per capita stabilised at a high level and slightly declined recently to 8.0 litres (ad 100%) in 1996 (World Drink Trends 1997).

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H.F.L. Garretsen (Henk)
Erasmus University Rotterdam , Instituut voor Verslavingsonderzoek, Rotterdam
Erasmus MC: University Medical Center Rotterdam

Bongers, I. (1998, December 16). Problem Drinking among the General Population: a public health issue? (No. 18). IVO-reeks. Retrieved from