Cardiovascular risk factors after renal transplantation. The impact of treatment with cyclosporine A
Cardiovasculaire risicofactoren na niertransplantatie; de invloed van behandeling met cyclosporine A
Renal transplantation is presently the renal replacement therapy ol choice lor most patients suffering lrom end-stage renal lailure, mainly because ol the gain in quality ol lile after successlul allografting. During the past decade the results ol renal transplantation, in terms ol incidence ol rejection episodes and graft loss because ol acute rejection, have improved substantially due to the introduction ol cyclosporine A. However, it appears that, despite the decrease in morbidity rates lollowing renal transplantation, in the long run the improvement in patient survival is rather limited (1).The success in terms ol graft survival wilhout a parallel improvement in patient survival, also emphasizes th at comorbid conditions such as cardiovascular disease, become increasingly important lor the longterm prospeets ol this patient group.
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A.J. Man in 't Veld (Arie) , W. Weimar (Willem) | |
Erasmus University Rotterdam | |
hdl.handle.net/1765/17133 | |
Organisation | Erasmus MC: University Medical Center Rotterdam |
van den Dorpel, M. (1998, February 11). Cardiovascular risk factors after renal transplantation. The impact of treatment with cyclosporine A. Retrieved from http://hdl.handle.net/1765/17133 |
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