Health care has long suffered from inefficiencies due to the fragmentation of patient care information and the lack of coordination between health professionals [1]. Health care information systems (HISs) have been lauded as tools to remedy such inefficiencies [2, 3]. The primary idea behind the support of their implementation in health care is that these systems support clinical workflow and thereby decrease medical errors [2]. However, their introduction to health care settings have been accompanied by a transformation of the way their primary users, care providers, carry out clinical tasks and establish or maintain work relationships [4]. Studies have shown that these transformations have not always been productive [5, 6].

, ,
M. Berg (Marc)
Erasmus University Rotterdam
Erasmus School of Health Policy & Management (ESHPM)

Niazkhani, Z. (2009, December 2). A Fit between Clinical Workflow and Health Care Information Systems: Not waiting for Godot but making the journey. Retrieved from