Executive Summary This volume reports the main findings from a multi-country research project that was designed to develop a better understanding of how rural water supply systems are performing in developing countries. We began the research in 2004 to investigate how the provision of support to communities after the construction of a rural water supply project affected project performance in the medium term. We collected information from households, village water committees, focus groups of village residents, system operators, and key informants in 400 rural communities in Bolivia, Ghana, and Peru; in total, we discussed community water supply issues with approximately 10,000 individuals in these communities. To our surprise, we found the great majority of the village water systems were performing well. Our findings on the factors influencing their sustainability will, we hope, be of use to policy makers, investors, and managers in rural water supply.

World Bank
ISS Staff Group 4: Rural Development, Environment and Population
International Institute of Social Studies of Erasmus University (ISS)

Akanbang, B., Alvestegui, A., Bakalian, A., Bucheli, B., Davis, J., Izaguirre, J., … Whittington, D. (2009). Post-Construction Support and Sustainability in Community-Managed Rural Water Supply. ISS Staff Group 4: Rural Development, Environment and Population. Retrieved from http://hdl.handle.net/1765/18308