Private Sector Involvement (PSI) has been the trend in the 1990s, stimulated by the so-called Washington consensus and the Dublin principles. The Washington consensus was originally a list of ten reforms as a summary of what people in Washington thought Latin America ought to be undertaking as of 1989 (Williamson, 2002).1 The Dublin principles were developed in 1992 during a UN Conference in that city and provide the arguments to consider water as an economic as well as a social good.2 After more than a decade of experiences of PSI in the water sector, we can draw up the balance of the impact of PSI on the water sector.

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International Journal of Water
Erasmus School of Economics

van Dijk, M. P. (2008). Editorial: Special Issue on Private Sector Involvement in Drinking Water Supply: The Experience. International Journal of Water, 4(3/4), 149–158. Retrieved from